Calls and deadlines fall 2022
Here you will find a list of calls and deadlines. The list is updated when new calls are published.
International Resource Office (IRO)
part of Trans Europe Halles (TEH)
Here you will find a list of calls and deadlines. The list is updated when new calls are published.
Here you will find a list of calls and deadlines. The list is updated when new calls are published.
Music Moves Europe är EU-kommissionens riktade stöd mot musiksektor. Satsningen har fram tills nu varit i form av en pilotsatsning, s.k. Preparatoty Action, och kan komma att integreras i det […]
The situation with Covid-19 has a severe impact on the culture sector. Here are some tips for you who runs a international project and is affected by the current situation.
2021 will be the start of the next Creative Europe progamme. Here you can find more information about the proposal for the programme from the European Commission.
Here you will find a list of calls and deadlines. The list is updated when new calls are published.
European Networks and Platforms with support from Creative Europe.
The call for Cooperation Project 2020 is now out! Deadline is November 27.
Two new calls from Music Moves Europe are now open – Professionalisation and training and Co-operation of small music venues.
This call will support projects and business models that include different cultural and creative sectors, using
innovative digital technologies.