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Nätverkscocktail: Möt europeiska kulturnätverk
Nätverkscocktail: Möt med europeiska kulturnätverk
Skånebaserade konst- och kulturoperatörer erbjuds en unik möjlighet att träffas med europeiska kulturnätverk och lära känna sin verksamhet och de många tjänster som de tillhandahåller till sina medlemmar över hela kontinenten och på kulturområdet i allmänhet. Denna samling av europeiska kommunikationsledare för kulturnätverk, som var värd för Trans Europe Halles, inbjöds i Lund, för att reflektera bland jämnare om deras praxis.
Läs introduktioner om de nätverk som kommer att närvara nedan…
Culture Action Europe
“Culture Action Europe (CAE) is a European network of cultural organisations and individuals dedicated to promote culture as a necessary condition for sustainable development both at local and European scale. As the major cultural network in Europe, we are the political voice of over 80 thousand cultural players, practitioners and activists across the continent.”
“Since 2003, Circostrada Network works to develop and structure the fields of Circus and Street Arts in Europe and beyond. With more than 100 members from over 30 countries, it contributes to build a sustainable future for these sectors by empowering cultural players through the production of resources and actions of observation and research, professional exchanges, advocacy, capacity-building and information.”
“Established in 1992, ENCATC is a network of more than 100 member institutions and professionals in over 40 countries active in education, training and research within the broad field of cultural management and policy. ENCATC members have an impact on the education of thousands of cultural managers worldwide”
European Concert Hall Organisation
“The European Concert Hall Organisation (ECHO) is an active network bringing together many of the major concert halls in Europe in order to promote professional exchange, shared reflection and the initiation of joint initiatives.”
European Festivals Association
“The European Festivals Association (EFA) unites distinguished music, dance, theatre and multidisciplinary arts festivals from Europe and beyond since 1952. Today, the European Festivals Association (EFA) connects about 100 festivals and festival associations in 40 countries. EFA members are the core element that make the Association an open, influential, international place for any festival that wants to be part of a bigger festival community.”
European Music Council
“The European Music Council (EMC) is a non-profit organisation dedicated to the development and promotion of all genres and types of music in Europe. It is a network that promotes and supports music-related activities for representatives of both national music councils and European networks involved in the fields of music education, creation, performance, participation, production and heritage. It was founded in 1972 as the European regional group of the International Music Council (IMC).”
International Music Council
“The International Music Council (IMC), founded in 1949 by UNESCO, is the world’s largest network of organizations and institutions working in the field of music. The International Music Council promotes access to music for all and the value of music in the lives of all peoples. Through its members and their networks, IMC has direct access to over 1000 organisations in some 150 countries and to 200 million persons eager to develop and share knowledge and experience on diverse aspects of musical life.”
On the Move
“On the Move (OTM) is a cultural mobility information network with 40 members in over 20 countries across Europe and internationally. Our mission is to encourage and facilitate cross-border mobility and cooperation, contributing to building up a vibrant and shared European cultural space that is strongly connected worldwide.”
Res Artis – Worldwide Network of Artist Residencies
“We are an association of over 650 centers, organisations, and individuals in over 70 countries. Each of our members is dedicated to offering artists, curators, and all manner of creative people the essential time and place away from the pressures and habits of every-day life, an experience framed within a unique geographic and cultural context.”
The Network of European Museum Organisations
“The Network of European Museum Organisations (NEMO) was founded in 1992 as an independent network of national museum organisations representing the museum community of the member states of the Council of Europe. Together, NEMO’s members speak for over 30.000 museums across Europe.”
Trans Europe Halles
“Trans Europe Halles (TEH) is a Europe-based network of cultural centres initiated by citizens and artists. TEH has been at the forefront of re-purposing Europe’s industrial buildings for arts, culture and activism since 1983. As of 2017, TEH has brought together nearly 90 multidisciplinary cultural centres and other cultural organisations from across Europe.”
Detta event arrangeras med stöd från Lunds Kommun.